Sunday 19 April 2009

Who's That Girl - Alexandra Potter

Hi all. Sorry it's taken me so long to get around to writing this entry. There's not much to say about it though really as it's your standard chick-lit book with a bit of time-travel thrown in for different twist. The story is pretty standard: Charlotte Merryweather seemingly has everything. Her own PR company, lots of money, a (somewhat boring) boyfriend who wants to marry her and the world at her feet... oh, and she's gorgeous too of course.

But is she happy? No, she is not. Even more so since she keeps travelling back in time and meeting her former hippyfied, happy-go-lucky, unplucked eye-browed self. This is when she starts to question her life, where she's heading and what she wants out of life... thus we have about 300 pages of your typical main character neurosis etc etc etc... yawn.

It was better than your average chick-lit book, but only marginally. This is definite read-on-the-beach material and if that's the kind of stuff you like then that's great. I don't mean to sound snobby, but there's so much of this kind of stuff out there it doesn't really do a lot for me. It's like Haribo Tangfastic - it's tasty for a while, but then you get sick of all the sugar. It's just standard chick-lit and to be honest it's a bit boring. Having said that, it was better than Lolita! But give me Collins any day :)