Wednesday 18 April 2007

Okay, here goes...

Okay, I've read so many books in my past 27 years now that I can't possibly start to list them all so after this little intro we'll start with the current one and go from there, sometimes adding in thoughts or other bits of relevent or interesting (?!) info along the way on previous books I've read. I should also mention that I'm a total blog virgin so if anyone else out there decides to read my random meanderings be gentle!!

Anyway, a brief bit about me and why I love books: I am a total daydreamer and my head is always off in the clouds. Unfortuately I have to come back to planet Earth to go to work and pay bills etc, but if my nose isn't in a book then my head is totally off somewhere else - so I apologise if I go off on a tangent sometimes! Books provide my escape from the world (being a pisces it is far too harsh for me!) and I love the fact that no matter where you are or how crappy life is being, you can open up a book and be off somewhere else in an instant. I guess that's why I like movies too but books are by far my favourite medium. Anyway, I'll be back soon with the first book log/review thingy...

P.s. Just to add that my tastes are pretty eclectic so be prepared for a whole range of stuff that probably won't come in any particular order other than in which they were read!