Tuesday 23 October 2007

Till We Meet Again - Lesley Pearse

It looks like I might be back on the reading wagon again, having read this book in under a week :) But then again, it could just be that it has Lesley Pearse an the author - and Lesley never lets me down with a good story.

Till We Meet Again doesn't disappoint at all. It's possibly not quite as hard-hittingly graphic as some of her others have been but this doesn't make her plotting and and story-telling any worse or better. It continues to be great. Pearse still writes a fantastically good story and once again makes the reader question things that maybe we take for granted.

The story opens immediately with a double murder. Susan Wright walks into a doctors surgery and kills the two people seemingly in cold blood. She then gives herself up, wishing to be punished for the crimes she has committed. In a cruel twist of fate her childhood friend Beth Powell is randomly appointed as her solicitor. And thus begins the unraveling of the past lives of these two characters and the events which lead them to this point in their lives. How circumstances and actions affect each other and how two seemingly very different women can have so much similarity at their core.

Once again, Pearse handles what are quite difficult subjects in a forthright but sensitive manner, always taking the time to explain clearly the motives which justify the actions of her characters. Her sensitive handling of Beth's traumatic past but without shying away from details enables the reader to really feel for Beth and to want to understand her more deeply. Similarly the way she leads the reader to develop their own sympathies for Susan's restrictive and manipulated childhood enables us to care so much about the characters and to want justice for them. It is fairly obvious to me why Lesley Pearse is one of our best-selling authors :) An engaging story-line and well thought out characters who you can't help but care deeply about.

I've released this book into the wild via www.bookcrossing.com and its BCID is 112-5135927 - enjoy!