Wednesday 23 April 2008

Red Lily - Nora Roberts

Wow... the saga of Harper House finally ends! And it was worth every moment I reckon. The last book in the trilogy certainly doesn't disappoint and also manages to tie up all the loose ends surrounding the Harper Bride.
Let me first say that this might be a quick entry as I don't have much time... sorry :)
Red Lily focuses on the character of Hayley. As with the previous two books and the other two characters (Stella and Roz) she finds herself the object of the Harper Brides displeasure - especially as Hayley realises that she is in love with Harper (Roz's son) and the two begin their relationship. The intensity with which the Harper Bride invades Hayley's consciousness is more that we witnessed in the other books and Roberts has done a good job of graduating the process between the women, from Stella's initial dreams to the complete possession of Hayley. The book is so good I don't want to provide any spoilers on the off chance that someone stumbles across this but needless to say Harper and Hayley fall head over heels with each other... with circumstances nudging them a little quicker to the what we all know was an inevitable ending ;)
Roberts does a good job with Hayley's character. She is bubbly and scatty and full of beans and knowledge, which shows off her true personality - which contrasts a great deal to when the bride takes her over. Her relationship with Harper is the stuff of Hollywood movies... but no less cute and very appropriate. Roberts manages to mix traditional values (getting married, loyalty, respect, protection of the ones you love etc) with a contemporary edge, shown in the way Harper proposes to Hayley. So sweet! You'll love this third book... it's the perfect ending to a perfect trilogy :)