Saturday 18 July 2009

On Chesil Beach - Ian McEwan

Well, if you fancied reading something lighthearted, then this is not the book for you. I like Ian McEwan very much and always find his books very perceptive and thought-provoking and this is no exception. However, one of the reasons I chose to read this was because it's a fairly thin book (only about 150 pages or so) and so rather naively I assumed it would be a happy story. Daft, I know. Silly Charlie.
When the story opens we are introduced to Edward and Florance and the year is 1962. They have been married that day and are both inwardly contemplating the night of wedding nuptials ahead of them - something which they are far from united in. Edward is looking forward to the occasion whilst Florance is filled with dread, mostly because her head is filled all the things she has been told. It is in this situation that the era the story is set in becomes important. The early 60's where a strange and difficult period for a certain generation. Caught in between the the periods of sexual repression and sexual revolution, Edward and Florence find themselves at the mercy of different upbringings from opposite sides. Edward is well mannered and more forward thinking than sheltered, Florence whose only real love to-date is her classical violin playing. McEwan's choice of location reflects brilliantly the situation of the characters; Chesil beach being a stretch of land sandwiched between the English Channel and the Fleet lagoon. I felt that the water on either side of the beach reflected the two very different era's isolating Florence and Edward as they prepare for their wedding night.
Ultimately the story has no happy ending. But it is a very elegantly written novel and again McEwan manages to pick up on the small details of his characters which give us clues as to their disposition and future actions. It was a very sad story but one which does really well in capturing the difficulties facing characters in a time of social flux, where past rules are no longer as relevant but where future rules are still evolving. It is beautifully written and I would definitely recommend reading it if you get a chance - just make sure that all others areas of your life are good when you do because the ending is so sad it will bring you down even if you're sky-high happy :)